Hassane El Kadiri

Hassane El Kadiri
Hassane El KadiriHead of Bayti Association, Essaouira, Morocco

Workshop 4

Thursday, November 2nd , 2023

Bachelor’s degree in philosophy and psychology with a sociology option (4 years of higher education) – Volunteer work supporting disabled children with the association «Protection des enfants en situation de handicaps» (Protecting children in handicap situations) in Essaouira (1997) – In charge of the Bayti branch since 1998 – Facilitator of several training workshops for associative and institutional social workers working in the field of child protection (gender and gender equality, pliadoyer, children’s rights, positive parenting, etc.)


Abstract Title

School Bullying, including cyberviolence

School bullying is a phenomenon that affects many students around the world, and is characterized by a series of violent acts perpetrated by one person or group against another.
Harassment can take place both inside and outside school, and takes many forms: verbal, non-verbal, physical and/or psychological. It is the effect of one or more factors and has consequences that affect the psychological, physical and mental health not only of the victim, but also of the harassers, who may develop deviant behavior and find themselves in conflict with the law and facing sanctions. To remedy this phenomenon, schools need to put in place measures, programs and actions to raise awareness, not just among pupils, but also among teachers, parents, the community and society in general. They must also introduce measures, mechanisms and systems of recourse and reporting to prevent harassment and protect victims.
The latter must be encouraged to express their suffering and discomfort, and witnesses must also be encouraged to report violence and harassment, while guaranteeing their protection.