الممثلة الخاصة للكاتب العام لمنظمة الأمم المتحدة المكلفة بقضايا العنف ضد الأطفال

المحاضرات الافتتاحية
الأربعاء 1 نونبر 2023

الدكتورة نجاة مجيد معلا، طبيبة مختصة في طب الأطفال، كرست أكثر من 30 عامًا من مسيرتها من أجل تعزيز وحماية حقوق الطفل. عملت الدكتورة مجيد من 2008 إلى 2014، كمقررة خاصة للأمم المتحدة في شؤون الاتجار بالأطفال واستغلالهم في البغاء وفي المواد الإباحية. وقد عملت أيضا كخبيرة استشارية للمشاريع والاستراتيجيات والسياسات الوطنية والدولية المتعلقة بتعزيز وحماية حقوق الطفل. تتمتع الدكتور مجيد بخبرة واسعة في تطوير السياسات الوطنية المتعلقة بحماية الطفل، وقد عملت مع العديد من المنضمات الحكومية الوطنية والدولية وكذا مع منظمات غير حكومية.

ملخص المداخلة

عنوان المداخلة

العنف بالوسط المدرسي: وقاية أفضل وتدخل أنجع

Every child has the right to go to school free from fear and violence. But for too many girls and boys worldwide, school is where they experience violence. School violence is widespread and occurs in all countries. School violence refers to all forms of violence that take place in and around schools, on the way to or from school, as well as online. School violence can be physical, psychological, and sexual, and includes gender-based violence, bullying, cyberbullying, school shootings as well as attacks on schools. According to UNESCO (April 2023) it is estimated that 246 million girls and boys experience violence in and around schools. School violence has severe and long-lasting effects on the mental health, well-being, and education of children. The human and economic cost of school violence is huge. According to the World Bank (2021), violence in schools leads to $11 trillion in lost lifetime earnings. Well documented proven policies and programmes show that ending school violence is a smart economic investment (Safe to learn, World Bank, UNESCO, UNICEF). Preventing and responding to school violence is critical to make sure that all children feel protected, safe, do not drop out, learn better and ultimately become active and productive citizens. Ending school violence is possible if cross sectoral policies , interdisciplinary programmes and interventions since the early childhood are in place, and if children are part of the solution. The clock is ticking! Less than 7 years remain to achieve the 2030 Agenda (SDGs 4,5 and 16). Investing in a safe, inclusive, and empowering education, leaving no child behind, can’t wait!