روز بريتا بوتري أوتامي
روز بريتا بوتري أوتاميمسؤولة عن مركز تعزيز قدرات الموظفين، وزارة التربية والثقاة والبحث العلمي والتكنولوجيا أندونيسيا

الورشة 3

الخميس 2 نونبر 2023

روز بريتا بوتري أوتامي مسؤولة عن مركز تعزيز قدرات الموظفين، وهي وحدة تابعة لوزارة الرتبية والثقافة والبحث والتكنولوجيا بجاكرتا في إندونيسيا، مكلفة بتحسين جودة التعليم والوقاية من العنف في الوسط المدرسي. قبل ذلك، كانت تشغل منصب محللة سياسية ومنسقة الوقاية من العنف الجنسي في نفس الوزارة. روسربيتا بوتري أوتامي خريجة المدرسة العليا للتجارة نيوكاستل التابعة لجامعة نورثامريا بالمملكة المتحدة حيث حصلت عام 2007 عىل شهادة الماستر في إدارة الأعمال.

ملخص المداخلة

عنوان المداخلة

الوقاية من العنف وطريقة تدبيره في الوسط المدرسي بإندونيسي

Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, through the Centre for Strengthening Character, takes a comprehensive approach to the entire educational ecosystem consisting of families, schools and communities.
Since its establishment, the Centre for Strengthening Character has carried out various programmes and activities such as seminars, webinars, training, technical meetings, and focused group discussions for reaching the local government, regional planning agencies, non-government organizations, representatives from universities, students, parents, guardians, principals and teachers from kindergarten to high school throughout Indonesia. In addition, we produced content such as talk shows, podcasts, comics, motion graphics, short films, documentaries, radio broadcasts, 2D and 3D animations, songs, competitions, and others to conduct public campaigns.
The Centre for Strengthening Character developed the Anti-Bullying «Roots» programme in collaboration with UNICEF. This program aims to build a school environment that is safe and friendly to students by instilling positive anti-violence behaviour. In our partnership with UNICEF Indonesia in 2021, we engaged with more than 10,708 schools, trained more than 20,110 teachers, and established 51,370 students as agents of Change in all areas of Indonesia. We also provide an e-learning website to support students during the pandemic and involve them in research learning through U-Report support. For this year, we expect that we will reach 2750 schools which can implement the program.
Furthermore, to support the Roots Program, last August we also launched the Regulations of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology No. 46 of 2023 concerning Prevention and Handling of Violence in Education Units. The regulations regulate the definition of violence, targets, violence prevention and handling teams and task forces at the regional government level, prevention mechanisms and controlling mechanisms. The primary aim is to ensure that students have access to a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable educational environment while also affording protection to educators and education personnel within the workplace.